Tuesday 28 April 2015

Marathon Tips

With Marathon season well under way I thought I would add a few tips I have written and researched, especially for those new to marathon running.

Eat a good meal the night before, and a decent breakfast. Carbs, fruit and veg are important the day before, but dont experiment with food you arent used to.
Leave plenty of time to there and remember there will be thousands of people travelling to the same place.
With all the excitement and adrenaline of the start dont get caught up and be tempted to dash off. If you run too fast too soon you will pay for it later. Stick to your race plan!

Struggling to deal with being alone in your head for hours can be tough.
Paula Radcliffe said "I used to count to 100 three times in my head and I knew that was roughly a mile"
Counting landmarks, singing to yourself or counting as Paula suggests helps you break down the miles into smaller chunks and feel the time fly by.

Dont be afraid to walk. If your aim is just to finish the race, and you get to a stage where you cant keep going, slow down, walk a bit, collect your thoughts. Remember its better to walk a bit and still complete the race than push yourself too hard, cause an injury and be carried off on a stretcher.

It is important to stay hydrated during a long run, so never be afraid to stop for a short while to take on fluids. The more you sweat the more fluid your body needs to replenish itself. Water stations are provided all through the marathon route so make use of them. Remember not to take on too much fluid, over hydrating can be dangerous. Remember your training and take on just what you need.
Try energy drinks before the race. If you dont like them try to see them as medicine.

You should always take time to stretch after a marathon. Endurance races in particular cause a build up of lactic acid in your muscles and stretching will help to remove it.
Studies suggest it is more beneficial to use a variety of stretching routines to experience the full effects.
Warming up before the race is essential, and some light stretching is beneficial but remember your training regime, and dont over stretch before your run

So you finished your marathon. Congratulations! Enjoy the runners high and your lovely new medal. Your first move should be to sip some water and try to forget about those tired aching legs. Use the blankets provided and anything else to stop your body temperature from dropping too quickly. Grab some food, bananas are good, and try to change out of wet clothes as soon as you can.

In the days after the marathon, its time to rest and listen to your body. People recover at different rates, so what works for one wont necessarily work for another.
Short walks or light jogging can help to increase circulation but a Deep Tissue or Sports Massage will work wonders to flush out metabolic waste and help to get oxygen and nutrients flowing back into your muscles.

Alchemy Therapy Centre offers Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage, tailored to the needs of each individual.  Call us or book online to schedule your treatment after your marathon.
01908 567766  www.alchemytherapycentre.com

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