Tuesday 15 December 2015

Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated skin

What is dehydrated skin?
Dehydrated skin is caused from the lack of water present in the body. You can usual tell if skin is dry or dehydrated by small flaky patches and small lines that look like wrinkles.

What causes dehydrated skin?
Dehydrated skin is caused from a depletion of water present in the skin cells. This can be down to there not being enough water intake daily, spending lots of time in the sun and some medications.

Treatments for dehydrated skin?
Hydraboost skin treatment – A treatment using electrical current to push product into the skin 4000 times more than a standard facial. Focus hydrating serum is used to help add water back into the cells of the skin. A course of 6-10 treatments is advised depending on the severity of the dehydration. Monthly facials are then advised to help maintain the improved skin.

Products for dehydrated skin?
  • Avst 1 – A daily moisturiser used to put vitamins A, C and antioxidants into the skin to help improve skin concern.
  • Avst cleansing lotion – A Cream based cleanser that helps to remove skin impurities without drying the skin.
  • Avst Hydrating exfoliant Masque – A masque that lightly exfoliates away dry skin helping it to feel soft and hydrated.
  • Avst moisturising toner – A gentle toner that helps to rehydrate and smooth the skin.
  • Hydrating serum – A strong hydrating serum that helps to remove dry flaky patches and add water to the cells. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Acne skin


What is Acne?
Acne is a collection of red, puss filled spots most commonly seen on the face, chest and back areas. Acne is a build up of bacteria in a hair follicle produced by the increase of oil in the sebaceous gland. Acne can be sore and itchy and is most commonly associated with puberty. However this does not mean adults cannot suffer from this also. There is a possibility acne can be bought on later in life.

What causes acne?
There are many causes of acne and no one element effects everyone the same, therefore it is important to look at the following causes and decipher which could be the cause. The following could cause acne:
  • -       Puberty
  • -       Imbalance in hormones
  • -       Genetics
  • -       Some medications
  • -       Pregnancy

Treatments for acne?
Advanced vitamin skin treatment – An electrical facial that uses high doses of vitamins A and C which is pushed into the skin using electrical and sonic currents. For severe acne a course of 6-10 treatments over 3-4 months is advised for the best results. Facials can then be done every 4-6 weeks to help maintain the improved skin.

Products for acne?
Environ have created a range specifically for acne skin. The following products help to reduce acne and smoothen skin:
  • -       B-Active Sebutone – A medium strength toner that contains lactic acid to help smoothen skin and improve hydration.
  • -       B-Active Sebuwash – A foaming gel cleanser that removes excess oil and environmental debris without drying the skin.   
  • -       B-Active Sebuprep – A mineral oil passed pre-cleanser essential to deep cleaning and to help remove excess oil and environmental debris
  • -       B-Active sebumasque – A clay based masque which helps to absorb surface oils and can be used as a micro-exfoliant.
  • -       B-Active Sebugel-A – A product that contains a low concentrate of vitamins a to help reduce redness
  • -     B-Active Sebuspot – Helps to assist in soothing spots by reducing swelling and redness.
  • -       AVST 1 – A daily moisturiser that contains vitamins A, C and antioxidants to help improve all skin conditions 


Sunday 1 November 2015

Why have a manicure?

Manicures are beneficial for a multitude of reasons and we all deserve a treat once in a while.

The aim of a manicure is to help improve the appearance and health of the hands by performing different steps.  These steps are
  • -         Soak – Helps to soften the cuticles and clean the hands in preparation of the manicure
  • -         Scrub – Helps to improve the texture of the ski by gently exfoliating away the dryness.
  • -         File – Helps to create a nice shape to the free edge
  • -         Cuticle work – Pushes the cuticles back and removes any excess cuticle to help improve the skin around the nail and prevent hang nails.
  • -         Masque – Used to help deeply hydrate the hand and nails
  • -         Massage – Aids in helping with circulation and can reduce symptoms of arthritis.
  • -         Polish – Applied to help strengthen the nail and improve the general appearance of the nail.
  • -         Cuticle oil – An oil used to help hydrate cuticles and improve skin around the nail bed
  • -         Hand cream – Deeply hydrates to help soften the skin on the hands.

All these steps are provided in our one hour manicure and this month we have an extra special offer for you!

A full hour manicure with a free upgrade to shellac! 

Call 01908 567766 to book

(T&Cs offers valid until 31st November 2015 any bookings made after this date will be charged in full, Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.)

Tuesday 13 October 2015

What is Environ Skin care?

What is Environ skin care?

Environ skin care is a range of products and treatments created to greatly increase the appearance and health of the skin. It helps to combat skin concerns by enhancing the growth of skin cells by pumping large quantities of vitamins into the skin.
Environ is a South African product that was created by a plastic surgeon called Dr. Des Fernandez. He created the product to help reduce scaring, redness and bruising for his patients. He discovered the products helped all skin concerns and also helped to prevent skin cancer. His research led him to create skin treatment facials and products to be used together to improve the skin from a medical and cosmetic point of view.

Most of our skin concerns are caused by the lack of vitamins in the skin. We deplete these natural vitamins everyday due to the food we eat, drinks, pollution, smoking and from the sun’s harmful rays. Environ works to combat against these free radicals by pushing the vitamins into the skin and providing a layer of protection.

A combination of products and treatments are used to help enhance the skin at a quick rate resulting in brilliant results in a short amount of time. It is important to use both methods to really help battle skin concerns.

The facials use electrical currents and sound waves to help the product penetrate the skin 4000 times more than your standard relaxing facials. Who could resist that?
Over the next few months we will look at different skin concerns, the treatments available for this concern and the products you should be using at home.

For more information on our facials call 01908 567766 

Friday 2 October 2015

Why choose seated chair massage?

Why choose seated chair massage?

Seated chair massage treatment is a lovely treatment that is provided in a seated position instead of lying down. It can be provided over or under the clothes depending on the client’s preference.

Seated chair massage is beneficial as it works to help relieve stress and makes you feel much calmer and more relaxed. It is also a more comfortable solution to those clients who find it difficult to lie down.

Seated massage is best suited to pregnant women, those who find it difficult to lie flat and people who suffer from vertigo and low blood pressure.
This means we are able to offer all clients a massage that suits their specific needs! So pop in for a relaxing seated massage and walk away feeling wonderfully pampered.

-  -    Jodie 

Friday 11 September 2015

What is Aromatherapy?

What is Aromatherapy Massage?
Aromatherapy is a relaxing and healing therapy where different oil blends are used to treat different concerns.  After you have had an aromatherapy treatment it is best to let the oils soak into your skin throughout the day as this will help to prolong the massages effect.  
Aromatherapy can help to combat stress and aid in relaxation. Different oils provide different benefits. For example:

-Eucalyptus can help to boost moral for someone feeling unwell or low.
-Lavender will help balance the body and leave you will be left feeling much calmer.
-Lemon is uplifting and can help with anxiety.
When using these oils they are blended with grapeseed oil as this prevents any allergies and helps to soak the oils into the skin

Aromatherapy is a great treatment to have as it will help you to feel more grounded and much better within yourself.

Aromatherapy massage is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Some oils need to be avoided during this treatment so make sure you let your therapist know! 

To Book in for Aromatherapy massage call us on 01908 567766 or book online at www.alchemytherapycentre.com

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Dehydration - Why do I need to drink?

Although the warmer weather seems to have deserted us lately its still important to stay hydrated particularly whilst exercising.  There are plenty of marathons, half marathons, triathlons and cycling events coming up and I know a lot of my clients are in training, and despite the cooler temperatures it is still important to be aware of the dangers of dehydration.

Dehydration happens when your body loses more fluid than you take in.  When the normal water content of your body is reduced, it upsets the balance of minerals (salts and sugar) in your body, which affects the way it functions. Everyone is at risk from dehydration and despite making you feel thirsty, light headed and sometimes nauseous it is also one of the causes of muscle cramps, especially in athletes.

In the early stages of dehydration you start to feel thirsty, this is your brains early warning system.  Don’t fight that thought, take on fluids as soon as you can.  It is recommended by the Food Standards Agency that you drink six to eight glasses of anything other than alcohol each day to stay hydrated.  If you ignore your brains early warning, the next step is often headaches, lethargy and the inability to concentrate.  Most people reach for the paracetamol, or stimulants like caffeine, but this just masks the problem.  Try the “turgor test” pinch the skin on the back of your hand and if it doesn’t ping back immediately it’s a sign of moderate dehydration.  Now is the time to reach for the isotonic drinks!  Remember that you don’t just lose fluids when you sweat, you lose electrolytes, such as salt, too.  You can make your own isotonic drink by adding a pinch of salt to a glass of fruit squash, or drinking flat cola and eating salty crisps is recommended by doctors as a quick fix to moderate dehydration.

So don’t forget to take water with you on your training runs, stock up on gels, isotonic drinks or at least some salt, and if you feel thirsty, don’t ignore your brain, drink something!

Friday 4 September 2015

Teenage and Adult Acne. How we can help deplete it?

We all get a bit paranoid when we get a spot before a big night out or just before a holiday especially if its on the end of our nose making us look like Rudolph! But some of us suffer from very bad acne and this not only makes us self concious but it can be very uncomfortable too! There are ways we can diminish acne without aggressive tablets prescribed by the doctors. 

Why does acne occur?

Acne occurs from the over production of oil in the pores of the skin. The oil blocks the pores which prevents natural oils from flowing out. Bacteria thrives on these oils and causes a reaction which leads to an infection. The white pus you see on a spot is the white blood cells coming along to remove the bacteria and heal the spot. Squeezing white heads causes the pore to break inside and removes the white blood cells that are there to fix it. When a spot bleeds it means the pore has burst and blood is seeping into other surrounding pores underneath the skin. So leave white heads alone! 

Medical prescribed acne tablets

Roaccutane is a medically prescribed acne tablet that doctors will prescribe to treat acne. Though these are great for diminishing spots fast it can cause long term damage to the skin. Roaccutane reduces the skins natural oil production meaning spots are unable to grow under the skins surface. Whilst this sounds like the perfect solution roaccutane causes many problems. 
Roaccutane decreases the size of the pores making the skin thicker and stopping oil from being produced! Now we all know that some oil is good for the skin and removing it completely can cause long term side effects. Firstly roaccutane thickens the skin causing it to become rough which leads to more severe acne scarring and pitting and this damage can sometimes be irreversible.
Common side effects of roaccutane are dry skin, dry, cracked and sore lips, dry eyes, muscular and joint pain, headaches, anaemia, blood in urine, mood changes, depression, anxiety, depletion of white blood cells and increased liver enzymes. 
Though some find roaccutane a great cause for removing spots we believe it is an unnecessary way to treat acne. 


How can we help?

Three steps are taken to diminish acne. These are: 
- Normalising oil production
- Normalising cells 
- Removing bad bacteria

Products for topical use are used to help remove spots on the surface of the skin. These products are:
- Environ Sebuwash- A foaming skin wash that removes excess oils without drying the skin. 
- Environ Sebutone- A medium strength toner that helps to smooth and hydrate the skin which is perfect for reducing acne scarring.
- Environ Sebumasque- A clay based Masque that helps to absorb excess oils. Should be used once a week.
- Environ AVST- A moisturiser that works on a step program starting on a level one to introduce vitamin A to the skin. Helps to rebalance the moisture of the skin.
- AVST Body oil- For those who suffer with really bad acne, body oil can be used on the face to remove spots as a moisturiser. Once this has depleted spots you can then swap straight onto AVST to continue moisturising the skin. 
Having regular facials once or twice a month can drastically improve the skin. Our Environ Electronic facials use sound waves and electrical pulses to push products deeper into the skin all the way down to the base layer to treat healthy skin cells before they reach the top! 

For advice or to book a treatment give us a call on 01908 567766 or book online via our website.  www.alchemytherapycentre.com

Dont forget to find us and like us on facebook for advice, information and competitions!

Friday 10 July 2015

Sciatic Pain

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica refers to leg pain and possible tingling or numbness originating from the lower back and travelling down the leg to the foot.  Sciatica is a symptom of underlying medical conditions ranging from tight muscles in the lower back and glutes, to degeneration to the lumber discs or herniated discs in the lower back.

Common Symptoms

For some people Sciatica can be severe and debilitating, for others it can be quite mild or it can come and go for no apparent reason.  Sciatica usually only affects one side and one leg although in some cases the pain can switch from one leg to the other.

Some combination of the following symptoms is most common :
  • Lower back pain.  Often quite mild and not as severe as the leg pain.
  • Constant pain in one side of the buttock or leg, rarely in both legs.
  • Pain that starts in the lower back or buttock, and radiates down the leg following the course of the sciatic  nerve, down the back of one thigh and into the calf and foot.
  • Pain that is worse when standing or sitting than laying down or walking.
  • Pain that is often felt as sharp or searing rather than a dull ache.
  • A sensation of tingling or pins and needles, often coupled with numbness in the leg or foot.
  • Weakness or numbness when trying to move the foot or leg.
  • Severe shooting pains in one legs making it difficult to stand on one spot.
  • Occasional pain in the foot or toes.

Treatment for Sciatica

Of course the first port of call should be your GP.  After an initial examination an X-Ray or MRI scan should show if there are any disc problems or ligament damage.  The GP is likely to prescribe pain killers or anti-inflamatories depending on severity and the finding of scans.  Surgery is likely to replace discs or realign spinal problems but if this is not considered necessary there are alternatives to long term pain killers.

Sometimes sciatic pain is caused not from disc problems but from tight muscles trapping nerves in the lower back.  Sports massage can be a great help, and facilitated stretching can help to ease discomfort and free up stiff joints.

Accupuncture and accupressure have been known to work well to alleviate the sciatic pain.

At Alchemy we offer sports massage from a qualified therapist to help with sciatic pain when your GP cannot help or when surgery is not considered necessary.

Call us on 01908 567766 or check out our website to discuss your requirements and see if we can help.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Seated Stretches for the Office

Spending all day at a desk or in front of a computer whether you work in an office or from home can cause all sorts of posture problems, back ache and a pain in the neck!  But a few simple stretches during the day can help a lot, and you can even do them without moving from your desk!

Back Rotation

Sit upright in your chair facing forward and relax your arms by your sides.  Keeping your back straight slowly rotate to the left and then to the right as far as you can go until you feel a stretch.  Hold this position for twenty seconds.

Neck Stretch

Sitting upright facing forward, grasp the top of your head with one hand and gently pull your head to the side until you can feel a stretch in your neck.  Hold this stretch for a count of twenty and repeat for the other side.

Inner Thigh Stretch

This one is great to get the legs moving after being in one position for a long period.  Sit in the chair away from the desk slightly.  Lean forward and rest your forearms on each thigh, then just lean forward pushing your legs apart and you will feel the stretch in your inner thigh.  Hold this for twenty seconds and relax.

Shoulder Stretch

This is a great stretch to help with tension around the neck and shoulders caused by sitting in front of a computer for too long.  Sit upright and let your arms relax by your sides.  Slowly lift your shoulders upwards and rotate them back and downwards.  Three to five of these a day will help no end!

If during and of these stretches you feel sharp pain in the muscles, stop the stretch immediately.  If pain persists, consult a GP or a Sports Injury practitioner.  Of course sitting in front of a computer or desk all day long will cause problems in the long run but with regular exercises, stretching and the odd sports massage or two thrown in you can stay fit, strong and upright for many years to come.

For information about Sports or Deep Tissue Massage or to talk about how we can help with neck back and shoulder pain, call us on 01908 567766 or visit our website and book an appointment.

Dont forget to find us on facebook and like our page.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Beauty treatments and pregnancy
As pregnant women we know all about the things we can’t do but what about the things we can do!
I’m here to tell you all the lovely treatments you can still have during your pregnancy, the best times to have them and the benefits! It’s not easy for us carrying around all that extra weight every day and with our bodies working like we’re at the gym 24/7 to create a new life we often get tired, sore and aggravated. So it’s important for us to take some time to relax!

Manicures and pedicures
Manicures and pedicures can be performed at any stage of pregnancy! One of the not so great things about growing a little one is the strain it puts on our feet especially during the last trimester! Causing us to have dry skin and swelling! Pedicures help to reduce this and removes tension, helping your feet feel normal again (at least for a little while!). Our nails strengthen so it’s nice to pop some polish on and keep them looking good! CND Shellac is also safe to use at this time but do make sure it is 100% shellac polish as there are a lot of fake brands going around these days!

Pregnancy reflexology
This is a brilliant way to relax during pregnancy but do note you must be passed 12 weeks in order for this treatment to be provided! Reflexology works on pressure points in the feet and especially for pregnancy can help relieve sickness and water retention, reduce back pain and rebalance hormones. Specific areas of the feet are worked on to help you feel rebalanced! It’s one of my personal favourites!

Facials can be provided after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, Ensure that none of the products being used contain Vitamin A and avoid harsh facials such as micro-dermabraision or skin peels. This is because the skin is already sensitive. Some ladies skin flourishes and becomes wonderful and soft during pregnancy unless you’re unlucky like me and the hormones have dried out your skin beyond belief and caused spots to appear where you wouldn’t normally get them! If this is the case then a facial is great for you!

Massages are available for pregnant ladies after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. However  avoid aromatherapy oils as they are absorbed into the skin and could harm your baby (this goes for when you are breastfeeding also). As your bump gets bigger you will know its more difficult to lie on your front so seated massages such as Indian head can also be a great way to relieve tension and make you feel good!

I know I’ll be trying all of these out during my course of pregnancy and it’s nice to know there are things you can have done rather than things you can’t!

If you have any questions give me a call on 01908 567766

Holly x

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Marathon Tips

With Marathon season well under way I thought I would add a few tips I have written and researched, especially for those new to marathon running.

Eat a good meal the night before, and a decent breakfast. Carbs, fruit and veg are important the day before, but dont experiment with food you arent used to.
Leave plenty of time to there and remember there will be thousands of people travelling to the same place.
With all the excitement and adrenaline of the start dont get caught up and be tempted to dash off. If you run too fast too soon you will pay for it later. Stick to your race plan!

Struggling to deal with being alone in your head for hours can be tough.
Paula Radcliffe said "I used to count to 100 three times in my head and I knew that was roughly a mile"
Counting landmarks, singing to yourself or counting as Paula suggests helps you break down the miles into smaller chunks and feel the time fly by.

Dont be afraid to walk. If your aim is just to finish the race, and you get to a stage where you cant keep going, slow down, walk a bit, collect your thoughts. Remember its better to walk a bit and still complete the race than push yourself too hard, cause an injury and be carried off on a stretcher.

It is important to stay hydrated during a long run, so never be afraid to stop for a short while to take on fluids. The more you sweat the more fluid your body needs to replenish itself. Water stations are provided all through the marathon route so make use of them. Remember not to take on too much fluid, over hydrating can be dangerous. Remember your training and take on just what you need.
Try energy drinks before the race. If you dont like them try to see them as medicine.

You should always take time to stretch after a marathon. Endurance races in particular cause a build up of lactic acid in your muscles and stretching will help to remove it.
Studies suggest it is more beneficial to use a variety of stretching routines to experience the full effects.
Warming up before the race is essential, and some light stretching is beneficial but remember your training regime, and dont over stretch before your run

So you finished your marathon. Congratulations! Enjoy the runners high and your lovely new medal. Your first move should be to sip some water and try to forget about those tired aching legs. Use the blankets provided and anything else to stop your body temperature from dropping too quickly. Grab some food, bananas are good, and try to change out of wet clothes as soon as you can.

In the days after the marathon, its time to rest and listen to your body. People recover at different rates, so what works for one wont necessarily work for another.
Short walks or light jogging can help to increase circulation but a Deep Tissue or Sports Massage will work wonders to flush out metabolic waste and help to get oxygen and nutrients flowing back into your muscles.

Alchemy Therapy Centre offers Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage, tailored to the needs of each individual.  Call us or book online to schedule your treatment after your marathon.
01908 567766  www.alchemytherapycentre.com

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Why The Name Alchemy

After and hours and hours spent trying to find a suitable name for our business we finally arrived at Alchemy Therapy Centre, why you might ask? This is a strange name to call a salon you may say? But there is method behind the madness and I am going to explain why!
We pride ourselves in providing clients with great treatments with fantastic results, whether it’s making those winter feet prepared for the summer or grinding out those awful knots in your back from spending too much time slouching. Or even if you’ve pulled a muscle doing something daring and perhaps not so smart we ensure to fix you and make you the best you can be! So how does this relate to Alchemy? Well you see Alchemists were medieval scientists who tried to take a base/ boring metal such as lead and making it into something glorious like gold! They also attempted to find an elixir of life to help maintain youthfulness and prolong life which I’m sure is something we all wish for in this day and age. By looking after your body and treating it as a temple you too can hold the elixir of life within yourself. With a little help from great skin care, regular massages and beautiful nails of course!
So how does Alchemy relate to you? Well here is a little diagram below

Iron à A splash of magic à Gold

 (Boring)         (A bit of Ancient wizardry)             (Beauty)


You à    A dash of magic à Enhanced you

     (Sore/deflated?)           (A lovely treatment)               (A new improved you)

See now it all makes sense! But that’s not all!
Alchemists also believe in the fundamentals of Earth, Fire, Water and Air in which everything is based. Whether it is trees or wildlife, or even the world itself without these four elements we would cease to exist. We incorporate these into the appearance of our salon to enable a relaxing and also interesting atmosphere. As different elements affect our moods we incorporate these into our treatments to either help you feel relaxed or uplifted so you know you are getting the best out of your time with us here.