Thursday 4 June 2015

Seated Stretches for the Office

Spending all day at a desk or in front of a computer whether you work in an office or from home can cause all sorts of posture problems, back ache and a pain in the neck!  But a few simple stretches during the day can help a lot, and you can even do them without moving from your desk!

Back Rotation

Sit upright in your chair facing forward and relax your arms by your sides.  Keeping your back straight slowly rotate to the left and then to the right as far as you can go until you feel a stretch.  Hold this position for twenty seconds.

Neck Stretch

Sitting upright facing forward, grasp the top of your head with one hand and gently pull your head to the side until you can feel a stretch in your neck.  Hold this stretch for a count of twenty and repeat for the other side.

Inner Thigh Stretch

This one is great to get the legs moving after being in one position for a long period.  Sit in the chair away from the desk slightly.  Lean forward and rest your forearms on each thigh, then just lean forward pushing your legs apart and you will feel the stretch in your inner thigh.  Hold this for twenty seconds and relax.

Shoulder Stretch

This is a great stretch to help with tension around the neck and shoulders caused by sitting in front of a computer for too long.  Sit upright and let your arms relax by your sides.  Slowly lift your shoulders upwards and rotate them back and downwards.  Three to five of these a day will help no end!

If during and of these stretches you feel sharp pain in the muscles, stop the stretch immediately.  If pain persists, consult a GP or a Sports Injury practitioner.  Of course sitting in front of a computer or desk all day long will cause problems in the long run but with regular exercises, stretching and the odd sports massage or two thrown in you can stay fit, strong and upright for many years to come.

For information about Sports or Deep Tissue Massage or to talk about how we can help with neck back and shoulder pain, call us on 01908 567766 or visit our website and book an appointment.

Dont forget to find us on facebook and like our page.

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